About us

Welcome to E & E

Accountancy Services

Professional and Passionate Accountants

About Us

Welcome to E&E Accountancy Services. Our goal is to provide high quality service at affordable prices.


We offer an array of services including accounts, taxation and business advisory to small and medium businesses. Our rapid growing client list includes individuals and businesses in a wide range of sectors. Whether you have an established business or just starting up, E&E Accountancy Services are committed to providing our clients with a high quality professional and personal service, sensitive to each customer's unique requirements.

We recognise that every business is different so we will work together with you in order to tailor our services to your individual needs and provide you with advice on how to improve your business and personal wealth.


歡迎來到 E&E 會計有限公司,我們的宗旨是以合理的價格提供最優質的服務。

我們提供年終報表,稅務規劃和中小型企業商業資詢等多項服務。我們快速增長的客戶群涉及廣泛,其中包括從事各種行業的個人,合夥人和中小型企業。無論您已經建立了業務還是正籌備開展新業務,E&E 將根據您的獨特需求提供高品質和專業化的服務。我們認識到每個企業是不同的,因此,我們將與您攜手為您量身制定服務計劃,并提供能夠改善公司業務和個人財富的建議。


